World Cup Cut Up

I love Football, but I love it double at world cup time. Last two world cups i was lucky enough to be travelling around the world and got to enjoy the excitement of what is truly a global event. The Olympics are alright but nothing gathers people in shouting, celebrating global masses quite like the world cup. This time around it’s in Brazil. As everyone knows Brazilian’s are ridicu-skilled at football and make insanely rhythmic music. So it’s been a bit of a shame that a lot of the official and un-official music has been a bit pap and not very football or rhythmic. The exception to this shite is Fatboy Slim’s album “Bem Brasil”. So I wanted to make a video that was super Brazilian and super football, the beats are mostly the sounds of football boots kicking footballs reconstructed to a Samba beat. It’s like an advert for the world cup in general, brought to you by Nike, Adidas, Puma, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, BBC, NBC, ESPN, ITV etc etc…… Enjoy it, and may your team win.