How to get into Crypto Art

A lot of people have been asking me about Crypto Art and NFTs and I wanted to write down something to show them about what i’ve learned so far. Firstly what are NFTs? This video gives a really good short explanation. To start selling your own NFTs you will need an Ethereum Wallet something like MetaMask is a browser plugin you can use to sign into all the sites that sell Crypto Art. You will need to put some money in there to “Mint” your art. Minting is the act of Tokenizing or putting a bit of code associated to your art piece that you are making to guarantee the rareness of the file.

If you are just starting out Rarible and Opensea are fantastic places to start selling. They don’t require an application process and anyone can start selling there immediately. We started out on Rarible in December, then did OpenSea and recently we have been accepted to SuperRare, KnownOrigin and Foundation.

When we first started minting Crypto Art it only cost about $20 but since then there has been a huge increase in people using ETH and now it can sometimes cost as much as $200 to mint a piece. The price of “GAS” to use Ethereum changes throughout the day. It is best to keep an eye on this chart before minting.

We’ve also recently started experimenting with minting art using TEZOS instead of ETH. You can do this by getting a Kukai Wallet with your twitter account and then going to Hic et Nunc to mint art. Minting on Tezos is far far cheaper but they don’t yet have as many collectors there but that might change.

The final stage is promoting your art and this is the hardest thing to explain. Every artists journey is totally different and a big part of our Crypto Art journey has been centered around the video remix work we have done. It seems that Twitter is core to Crypto Art and being on twitter and engaging with the community is key. Don’t @ collectors asking them to buy your art instead just make jokes, chat, be involved but also post your art. Eventually people will come to your art as they engage with you more and more.

Finally check out these two articles from Sophie Sturdevant

And also check this article from Scott Belsky.