Wes Anderson Mixtape

Great directors create their own genre and Wes Anderson movies are a genre unto themselves. His films are played out in linear motion, his actors moving like costumed dolls in a vast toy house. It’s as much theater as film. Here are Anderson’s movies remixed like a cross section of a doll’s house - the themes and styles blended and mashed together. This is the latest in my series of Director Mixtapes previously Tarantino and Almodovar

#420 MIX

It’s nearly 420 again. How are you going to celebrate? In Colorado? I’ve sourced some of the classic moments of cinematic pot consumption and brought them together in a nice musical blend. The obvious advocates of getting high appear …. Snoop Dogg, Method Man, Seth Rogen and a whole load more.

DISCLAIMER : Smoking weed will not necessarily make you president or founder of apple.

Vidibox Mix

In this day and age of DJs just hitting play I decided it was to time for you to see me hit play over and over again. Vidibox is a brand new video sampler / looper app and in this mix I use it to deliver a fast paced journey through 40+ video samples in 5 minutes. Due to the over head camera we missed most of the bottle popping, twerking and cake throwing but we assure you it was taking place. The stop button also gets used a fair few times.

 If you download vidibox and want some video samples to get started with. DOWNLOAD THESE onto your ipad.

Laser Cat

Who is he? What is he? Is he a she? If you haven’t heard of Laser Cat then I hope you’re internet gets fixed soon. Laser Cat is a multi-dimensional project from Hungy Castle. Hiss latest incarnation is happening at ADC in Miami next week. People have been feeding Laser Cat their art (I even fed him a bit of video) and he is going to be taking form in Miami as a giant inflatable cat with built in projectors and giant red button for audience interaction and “PEW PEW” Laser firing. I am not even sure what I am allowed to tell you about Laser Cat so probably best to read these articles in the Guardian and Wired about it. Let’s just say if you’re in Miami and you see something in the sky at night, it’s probably Laser Cat. 

Laser Cat is back from Hungry Castle on Vimeo.