Spectacle: The Music Video


A few nights ago Maria and I went to the Spectacle Opening at the Museum of the Moving Image in Queens. Spectacle is the history of the music video told through many exhibits, a Sonos / Vevo event curated by Jonathan Wells and Meg Grey Wells of Flux. The event is up for another month so if your in New York totally go check it out. Besides featuring EM’s 99 Problems in the remix section alongside many great EBN videos it also has work from Spike Jonze, Michel Gondry, OK GO and Kanye West to name but a few. Throughout are props from historical music videos and a fairly all encompassing history of the music video from bottom to top as you walk through the museum. Totally loved it and you’ll find my instagram flooded with pics of it. Also at the very very top is Red Paper Heart ’s interactive video light Sonos installation .